Toddler Classroom
Ages 15 months to 3 years
Renaissance Montessori Toddler Program Focus
Maria Montessori recognized the toddler years as a period of growth centered on rapid cognitive and physical development. During this phase, young children absorb knowledge from the world around them and strive to discover independence.
Our toddler classrooms are designed specifically for the young child ready for an enriched daycare environment. Crafted with a homey atmosphere, comfortable for the child’s size and interest, these classrooms are focused on helping to spur growth through “living and loving in each moment”. It is our goal to facilitate your child’s development and to help fulfill their desire to do things for themselves.
Our teachers understand the incredible growth that occurs between birth and three years, and how young children learn by experiencing their surroundings with all of their senses. Our classroom provides an environment in which the children explore responsibility and freedom within limits.
Benefits of the Toddler Learning Program
- Low student-teacher ratio of 6:1
- Montessori-certified lead teachers
- Spanish speaker in each room
- Designated outdoor environment for toddlers
- Focus on sensory motor and language development
- Toilet training is part of the curriculum
- Nap time for all students at 1:00 p.m.
Help Your Toddler Develop
Our teachers work with students to practice skills of daily living, like cleaning up, preparing snacks, independent toileting, washing hands, and more.
Social Skills
We work hard to ensure that every child in our classroom receives warm, loving care. We offer both individual and group lessons.
Classroom activities consist of real-lfe work. We give children a wide scope of opportunities to experience sights, smells, sounds, and tastes.
We provide meaningful learning opportunities for each child’s cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development—in both English and Spanish.

“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.”
– Maria Montessori
Full Day (8:30 – 3:00)
Early Care (beginning at 7:30)
Late Care available (until 6:00)